#But God

Caleb Freeman was going down the wrong road in life, away from God. After an accident, he had a traumatic brain injury changing the athlete’s life. Today, he is using his tragedy to share the good news of the gospel and you won’t believe how!

1hr : 22mins
Genres: Documentary

Divine Visitations

What could a woman who ended up in a psychiatric hospital offer, Forshia Ross could share of her faith in Jesus! This film shows the power of people who follow Jesus targeting the mature generation and delivering hope. Plus, a couple shares how they overcame separation with love and forgiveness.

46mins : 32sec
Genres: Documentary

Final Words

In Italy, three veterans will share their story of heroism, but none of these great warriors saw themselves as heroes. Instead, they humbly talk about the front lines in an acclaimed film of truth. Every military veteran and family member who were in the Greatest Generation, will want this film for their library.

1 hr : 00 Min : 20 Sec
Genres: Documentary
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    #But God

    1hr : 22mins
    Caleb Freeman was going down the wrong road in life, away from God. After an accident, he had a traumatic brain injury changing the athlete’s life. Today, he is using his tragedy to share the good news of the gospel and you won’t believe how!
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    Final Words

    1 hr : 00 Min : 20 Sec
    In Italy, three veterans will share their story of heroism, but none of these great warriors saw themselves as heroes. Instead, they humbly talk about the front lines in an acclaimed film of truth. Every military veteran and family member who were in the Greatest Generation, will want this film for their library.
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    Deani Merrill made a promise to her daughter, who had cancer to help tell her story. This emotional movie will make you stop and realize how much Jesus is alive today in everything. With seven children under the age of nine, Jenni is going to transition into an amazing blessing.

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    Divine Visitations

    46mins : 32sec
    What could a woman who ended up in a psychiatric hospital offer, Forshia Ross could share of her faith in Jesus! This film shows the power of people who follow Jesus targeting the mature generation and delivering hope. Plus, a couple shares how they overcame separation with love and forgiveness.
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    Through The Valley

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    A beautiful story that inspired the motion picture BEAUTIFULLY BROKEN takes us from Middle Tennessee into the wartorn nation of Rwanda. The genocide between two tribes left 800,000 people dead in 100 days. Even in this tragic situation, God showed up with forgiveness and healing beyond what anyone believed could happen.
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    The Supernatural Story of Fredrick Fuller

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    Witches and warlocks are invading the church of a pastor they have vexed with spells, voodoo and black magic from the bayous of Louisiana. When Fredrick was in a vulnerable and tired position, he allowed demons to abide in him and it lasted two years. One of the most dramatic stories of rebuking Satan ever […]
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    #But God
    1hr : 22mins
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    Final Words
    1 hr : 00 Min : 20 Sec
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    Joy In the Morning
    1 Hr : 55 Mins : 07 Sec
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    Divine Visitations
    46mins : 32sec
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    Through The Valley
    55 Mins : 41 Sec
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    The Supernatural Story of Fredrick Fuller
    52 Mins : 05 Sec